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The joys (and complexities) of being multinational
There are many of us who have moved overseas for a full-time venture and there are many more who travel overseas for extended periods of...
Long-term bull market tries to hold on
After the most turbulent month in years, the S&P 500 squeaked out a positive week, roughly up 2%. This puts the index up about 1.5% since...
Dealing with culture shock from living overseas
To a new expat, life abroad is colorful and exotic. This can also mean shock as you find yourself outside your comfort zone; facing new...
How to not pay capital gains tax (Opportunity Zones)
If you’re fortunate to have an imbedded capital gain, either from company stock or other investments held during the last decade...
Flex Spending Account vs Health Savings Account
It’s that time of year you can elect your benefits through work. Your employer may offer a Health Savings Account (HSA) and/or a Flexible...
Market analysis: the wake of rising rates
Global markets sold off last week, effectively erasing gains so far this year. This comes in the wake of increasing U.S. Reserve rates,...
Preparing for open enrollment
It's almost that time of year when you can opt-in for for benefits through the Affordable Health Care Act or for group benefits through...
Where to put your excess cash
If you’re sitting on some cash that you don’t immediately need, it may be worthwhile to review options for socking it away. First off,...
Life insurance as a wealth building strategy
Life insurance is more than just a strategy to provide for your kids should something happen to you; it's also a wealth accumulation...
Waiting for a rebound in emerging markets
A strong dollar combined with overly sensitive institutional investors, emerging markets weakened in 2018, down 16% year-to-date (YTD)....
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